Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

1-Damaged product received/wrong size received/wrong item received:-
-We will give you a free exchange
-Please reach us within 24 hours and we’ll raise a pickup request
-Once the product reaches us back our team of chefs will inspect the product and give you store credits/ship your new product/s (WE DO NOT REFUND).

2-Don’t like the product/size/others
-We will charge a nominal fee(depending on the number of articles and their weight). You have to prepay these charges.
-Please reach us within 24 hours. Our team will share a payment link with you, Once you pay the exchange charges we will initiate the pickup request.
-Once the product reaches us back our team of chefs will inspect the product and give you store credits/ship your new product/s (WE DO NOT REFUND).

Eligibility criteria:-

1) The product should be in the right condition with tags intact.

2) You should have the invoice for the product.

3) We will not accept exchange requests after 24 hours.

 In case of any questions, please call or WhatsApp us on our customer care numbers 9958318070